I'm from the North... but have lived more than half my life in the South.
Does that make me a Northerner?
What are the stereotypes of North and South?
Where does the North-South divide sit?
Who are the North and South 'changing'?
According to SASI the divide sits along the line shown in the top diagram.
"The line that separates the North from the South is fractal. The closer you look at it the more detail you see. It weaves between fields and houses. That such an exact line can be drawn is, of course, a fiction but it is also fair to say that moving from North to South is not that gradual an experience". (Source)
Simon Armitage, in his book 'All Points North' explores images of the North.
A number of humorous travel books have been written by Stewart Ratcliffe. These tackle themes regarding the North and his own upbringing.
Paul Morley has also written about 'The North'
There are fewer books about the idea of 'The South'.
Challenge students to uncover some 'southern stereotypes' or themes which are not explicitly about London.

Source: SASI​