Temporary (created), 'natural' and cultural places
This session explores the temporary nature of many places which people think of as perhaps being more permanent and unchanging, as well as places which only exist for a few days.
Temporary places: Glastonbury Festival
'Natural places': Cley Marsh - which is of course, like many a man-made landscape...
Man-made places: Northumberlandia: the Lady of the North
Jet-lag Travel Guides
Every year, well for 35 out of the last 48 years, a temporary city of almost 200 000 people is created in Somerset, on Worthy Farm.
Check out my FLICKR album for more images of this place, from a visit I made back in 2010.
What are the implications for the local area of the emergence of this temporary place? Think of positives and negatives.
How are people changed through the experience of visiting Glastonbury?
I've created a Google Form to collect people's memories and thoughts on this special place.
Feel free to fill it in below:
Remember there are also other large scale gatherings of people which have their own mythology e.g. the Burning Man Festival

Cley Marsh
This is a landscape which is close to where I live. Many visitors assume that it is an old, and unchanging landscape, but in fact the whole area is managed.
This is a man-made landscape, featuring a woman which can be seen from the air.
Jet Lag Travel Guides
These were published between ​
They feature parodies of different types of location.
The first book was about 'Monrovia': a fictional Eastern European state.